

Perhaps it's due to the warm weather of late or the fact that the holidays are just around the corner but this week's favourites appear to have gone all summer themed...

Instagram - doughyphysique has fast become one of my favourite instagrammers by posting insane images of this gorgeous yogi twisted and contorted into all manner of shapes. Utterly motivational and the videos of her doing yoga with her young son will totally melt your heart.

Song - Go Go Chaos by Bonjah is currently being played non-stop on a loop as it just epitomises the sound of summer.

Look - Warm temperatures coupled with regular rain storms makes for all manner of muggy stickiness and the return of a reliable wardrobe staple - the oversized shirt. 
However, keep the look summery with lighter fabrics of chiffon or silk and undone buttons for ultimate cool-girl slouchiness. This striped version from Topshop is ticking all the right boxes.

Blog - lovetaza.com If you haven't checked out this insanely adorable family and their achingly cool New York lifestyle yet then you are missing out (and did I mention that the photography is to die for too? *groan*).

Workout - Skipping! Takes a little practise to get it correct but even just ten minutes a day will work wonders to get your heart racing, tone your entire body and lift your butt to extraordinary heights.

Treat - Pimms o'clock darling. The weather is glorious, it's the Wimbledon final, seems only right that there's a cheeky tipple involved. Mixed with plenty of fresh mint and strawberries it's the perfect choice.

Article - In this article the Guardian scrutinises what they call The Wellness Syndrome and how the rise in glossy, aspirational "fitspo" accounts on social media and the trendiness of health & wellbeing is unfairly victimising those who don't comply with such ways of living. 
Interesting, different and, of course, an entirely balanced argument (jokes).

Quote - "Do what you love, not what you think you're supposed to do."

By Evangeline Oliver.

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