
B's Bakes: Cranberry Cookies

I have a serious thing about cookies. 

As a confessed sweet treat addict, more often than not I tend to I let my sweet tooth reign. Yet often when I'm out for dinner I'm just not feeling it the array of lemon possets or chocolate fondants. The one thing I can never say no to, however, is a cookie or two.

This recipe is great because it allows you to be as creative as you want. With a reliable base of coconut, oats and spelt flour, you get that perfect chewy crunchy foundation and then can choose how you flavour them. I'm always trying out different variations like white chocolate + ginger,  dark chocolate, orange + cranberry,  and even a mixed seed trail-mix version. They really are the perfect excuse to get experimental and a great clean treat to have in supply.

To make you will need:
125g Spelt flour
100g Dessicated coconut
100g Oats
pinch of salt
80g Coconut nectar (or honey)
125g butter (diced)
Splash of Vanilla essence
1/2 tsp bicarbonate soda
2 Tbsp Hot water

Recipe makes around 15-20 cookies

1. Preheat your oven to 180˚C. I have mine slightly lower as its a fan oven and they're  super easy to burn if you're not careful. Start off by whisking the flour, coconut, oats, salt and cranberries together in a bowl.

2. Add the butter and the coconut nectar to a saucepan and melt on a low heat until all is combined.

3. Add the vanilla to the melted mixture, and then add this to the dry ingredients using a spatula to stir together.

4. Add the hot water to the bicarbonate of soda, and stir this fizzing solution into the cookie mixture.

5. Roll into tablespoon sized balls and press down onto cookie sheet. Bake in the oven for between 8 and 12 minutes. You'll have to keep your eye out as you want them to be the perfect toasted golden.

These cookies are the perfect afternoon snack enjoyed with a nice cup of tea, or even a cheeky coconut latte if your feeling indulgent.

By Becky Symes.

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