

Back again after a couple of weeks and it's all getting a bit deep and arty in this week's favourites...

Instagram - gigieatsvegan Gigi has finally provided me with what I have always wanted- healthy food porn! Her instagram is loaded with gorgeous, artistic shots of vegan delights that will make you want to don your pinny and get creative in the kitchen.

Song - Everyone knows about James Bay, he is literally everywhere at the moment and, although I heard Hold Back the River a million times on the radio I'd never actually seen the man himself until he was interviewed at the Brits. It was love at first sight (well, only on my part obviously). Ever since then I have not stopped playing this live version of Let It Go and I completely melt at the point that he looks directly down the camera lens (1:06 to be precise)... You may think I'm creepy and sad but I don't care, the man is pure talent and deserves a listen!

Look - Everything about this look that Danielle, of WEWOREWHAT, re-posted on her instagram earlier in the week just screams summer chic and I am soooooooo ready for summer. Pinstripes, Birkenstocks, bare ankles, I'm feeling all of it.

Blog - De-caf is one of my favourite blogs EVER as it just indulges the romantic, depressive artist in me. I check this blog nearly every day and spend hours scrolling through the poetic quotes and sultry images. I've no idea who Camille is, but I feel like she speaks for frustrated teenagers everywhere and the careful curation that she exercises over what she re/posts is to be admired. 

Workout - This workout from Youtube stars The Lean Machines is so easy to fit in around your day and features some moves that I had never tried before. If I feel like I've had a day of being stuck at my desk then taking a few minutes to do this really relieves my stress and tension.

Treat - I recently watched a vlog where the person ate dates stuffed with almond butter and credited them to her Deliciously Ella cookbook which I have been meaning to get my hands on for quite some time now. Whilst I couldn't find the recipe on Ella's blog (although it obviously isn't rocket science) I have found it here to show you an example. Oh my goodness these are the most incredible and moorish treat EVER! Try and eat just one, go on I dare you. 

Article - This article popped up on my Facebook news feed earlier in the week and I decided to give it a read, along with the successive article that comes up when you scroll right down to the bottom of the page. Both of the pieces really stuck with me which leads me on to the next section...

Topic to Discuss - ...Failure in your 20's. I am a girl in her early 20's who definitely does not always have it together. I don't even know what to expect of my life in the next few weeks let alone the next few years and I am often met by disapproval or judgement when I proclaim that I am very happy with not knowing where my life is going, or what I want to do. 
For a while I bought into the disapproval and believed that I was somehow failing by not having all the answers but the article mentioned above just reaffirms what I already believe - who the hell knows what they should be doing at 20? Your 20's are all about fucking up, trying new things and stumbling down a rather shadowy path until you reach the beautiful garden at the end. 
It fills me sadness to think that some people wake up to find that they wasted their youth by being too careful and not making mistakes. I firmly salute all those brave enough to take risks, follow their whimsy and aren't afraid to admit that they don't have it together all of the time.

Quote - "I feel keeping a promise to yourself is a direct reflection of the love you have for yourself. I used to make promises to myself and find them easy to break. Today, I love myself enough to not only make a promise to myself, but I love myself enough to keep that promise." - Steve Maraboli, from Life, the Truth, and Being Free 

Enjoy your weekend dear friends.


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