It has been some time since my last post and so I thought it only right that I fill you in on where I've been, what I've been up to and why I have been silent for so long...
Over this past year I have experienced an awful lot of rather significant life events and this has caused me to reflect on my experiences, analyse my current situation and begin playing with how I would like my future to look and the steps I need to take in actualising that vision. This led to the making of several decisions that have altered my current situation and therefore lifestyle:
1. I quit my Master's Degree - I know I have mentioned this before but it was the catalyst for all the other changes that have now followed. My heart was the furtherest thing from being 'in' this degree that it began to massively affect both my head and my health (literally) and, for me, the whole thing just wasn't worth the stress or the agro. Over the semester that I did manage to attend it became glaringly obvious that I was unlikely to even desire a job in the field I was studying for and so really, what was the point of continuing?...
2. I quit my job - Once I'd left the Masters I was at a loss with what to do with myself and my time, I already had a steady day job which I enjoyed and which kept the bills ticking over and so I decided to just kept going whilst I decided what to do with the rest of my life (which, coincidently was also the time I decided to start this blog and hopefully save some of my dwindling sanity). Over time it became clear that even the tie to this job was too much for me; I craved a clean slate and completely fresh start which I couldn't achieve whilst still being attached to this job, this life, this city and so...
3. I quit Manchester - Almost like a mathematical equation, once the other two decisions had been made this just became the next logical step. I was living alone in an area that I had outgrown, my lease was coming up for renewal, I am yet to figure out a clear career path for myself yet and so it made perfect sense to me that relocating an hour down the motorway to my childhood home in Chester was the best option and so that is where I can now be found.
Over the past few months my head has felt a little bit like a desert with a lone tumbleweed blowing through it. All of my energy has been focused on readjusting, recalibrating and re-evaluating my future. It has definitely not been easy and both inspiration and the urge to create have been extremely dry; I didn't desire to make stale, robotic, unfeeling content for this blog and I therefore chose to go quiet for a time and invest in myself for a while. And it did the trick because...
With renewed positivity, flowing inspiration and content that I just need to put out there for anyone who so wishes to read it. I will once again be uploading regularly with posts going up every Friday, Saturday and Sunday and, don't worry, the bars, restaurants and eateries of Manchester can't keep me away for too long so there will still be plenty of those featured along the way.
I just want to end by saying a huge thank you to anyone reading this.
I am unsure how many people actually read this thing that I create as I do it as a means of entertainment and inspiration just as much for myself as for others but, if you are one of those who checks back on occasion and has missed the regularity that once was then I'd like to say; I'm sorry I've been away so long, I love you, your support means everything to me, and what else can achieved now and in the future?
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