
Birthday, Solstice, World Yoga Day, Campfires, Celebrations & Sleeping Under the Stars

Last weekend was a HUGE weekend for family Oliver. The weekend of the 19th-21st of June marked Daddy Oliver's birthday, the summer solstice, Father's Day and World Yoga Day. A weekend this monumental needed to be celebrated in style and therefore Mum, Dad, my Godmother Sarah, and I, packed up the car and made our way up into the Welsh hills for an incredible Kundalini Yoga Retreat at Kinton Farm.


B's Bakes: Cranberry Cookies

I have a serious thing about cookies. 

As a confessed sweet treat addict, more often than not I tend to I let my sweet tooth reign. Yet often when I'm out for dinner I'm just not feeling it the array of lemon possets or chocolate fondants. The one thing I can never say no to, however, is a cookie or two.



Every so often we love to bring you a round-up of what we've been loving throughout the week from our favourite instagram accounts to workouts and so much more...


Busy Bees Make Time for Tea Hive

Once you leave a place that you so dearly called home it's a curious thing to discover what you miss about it. It's also a curious thing to find out what will sway in making the effort to return to that place that you have now left. For me, the eateries of Manchester are some of the best ever and Teahive would be up there at the very top of my list.


B's Bakes: Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

Is it me or is Nutella one of those foods that have just sky-rocketed to cult status?

In the blink of an eye, it's gone from being an average chocolate spread to being some kind of instagram-able pledge of allegiance. And if you've got a personalised jar, well you can expect your likes to double for sure! As a die-hard praline fan, I appreciate a good hazelnut, I do. However, I've taken to trying to avoid foods that don't feel natural or nourishing to my body, and while it may be delicious in all it's sugar-coma inducing glory, not even I can defend that nutritional index. 


Get to Know Me: B with Wellness

As mentioned last week, COMMENT is introducing a new series of Get to Know Me interviews in order to allow both ourselves and our readers to connect to more of the amazingly talented visionaries that exist out there in the ether that is the internet.

To kick start this wonderful new feature we have roped in our very own B to give you all an opportunity to get to know her better, find out what inspires her and how she stays motivated when it comes to blogs and business...


How to Move Home Again

The prospect of moving back to your childhood home is never an easy one but it really doesn't have to be as big a turmoil as some might assume...


There's a New Weekly Feature! (+ exciting opportunity)

COMMENT is expanding with a new contributing writer and exciting new features!


Let's Catch Up: A Letter From Me to You.

Hello everyone!
It has been some time since my last post and so I thought it only right that I fill you in on where I've been, what I've been up to and why I have been silent for so long...
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