
How to Move Home Again

The prospect of moving back to your childhood home is never an easy one but it really doesn't have to be as big a turmoil as some might assume...
As two young women, both Becky and I have had to overcome this hurdle at various points in our lives and currently find ourselves back there again, so we understand, more than most, the struggles that can arise and some ways in which to tackle them.

1. Establish your physical space - There is no need to unpack every item of your life, especially if you plan to move on again quickly, however it pays to take some pride in the small space that you can call your own. This may be by taking time to dress your bed, hanging some pictures, setting out framed photos or lighting some candles all of which can do wonders for both the body and mind whilst you readjust.

2. Meet your new house mates - Yes, they may be your parents BUT things are different this time, you are now just as much an adult as they are and deserve to be treated like one. Remember, this can only be achieved if you actually act like one so be considerate; help wash the dishes, offer to cook the occasional meal, do your own laundry and make effort to spend quality time with whoever you live with - they have become accustomed to you not being around so make them appreciate the fact that you're back rather than counting the days until you leave again! 

3. Refrain from reverting back to childhood habits - The excitement of having very few responsibilities can cause crazy amounts of poor judgement and the ability to fall back into teenage-like immaturity, (personal) examples of which may include: 
Sunday's becoming your new favourite night out - because it's just as good as any other day right? 
Spending full weeks on the sofa re-watching your Gossip Girl box sets.
Having all your friends over, eating the entire contents of the fridge and raiding your parent's liquor cabinet - they didn't approve of it when you were 16, they sure as hell aint gonna approve of it now!   
All of these behaviours may seem comforting and habitual but you've moved on from this and it will do nothing for your resolve to return to those old ways.

4. Keep your eyes on the horizon - When life doesn't exactly feel like it is going according to plan then negativity is bound to occur but it is beneficial to stay positive and productive so that opportunities can arise and find you. You may decide to take a class, do some volunteering, start a social group within your community, write a blog...? All of these things will keep your mind active and your body moving.

5. Remember your reasons for moving - There is so much stigma attached to the decision to move back to your childhood home and under the cosy wing of family support but it is nothing to be ashamed of even if it makes you feel like the biggest failure. The key is to remember your reasons for making this decision of which there are often so many; to save money, perhaps to recover physically/emotionally, as a transitional period before you move on to somewhere else or even something else. 

All of these things are steps you have decided to take in order to honour you and to establish what you may want for yourself in the future. I, personally, believe that this demonstrates bravery, maturity and is not something to be the least bit ashamed about.

By Evangeline Oliver.


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