
What it Means to Own House Plants

It's strange, I've lived spent the last four years living away from my childhood home and keeping house to varying degrees. I've lived alone, with housemates, with a partner and even with my brother yet, it was only when I moved back in with my parents that I even had any desire to own a houseplant - and when I say desire I mean I was obsessed with the need of having one.
To me, the houseplant represented the fact that, even though I was living back at home, I was now older, wiser, more responsible, and still very much moving forward in my life...

This may all seem like the ramblings of a crazy spinster, or someone who is pouring far too much meaning into a lesser form of life but, trust me, if you've ever been in this situation yourself then you will know what I mean. I've got to that stage in life where houseplants are no longer huge, inconvenient burdens, that you have to try and keep alive whilst your parents go on holiday, that you unintentionally end up knocking over in some drunken haze of a house party (we've all been there), 
no no no, they have significance to me now...

Sophistication - Let's not forget that houseplants are, ultimately, there to look pretty but it's the fact that you even care about this prettiness that brings a level of class to the mix. I now enjoy the fact that I have a fern on my dressing table gently fringing it's way down to my perfume collection and that my white orchid perfectly frames my hanging collection of taxidermy butterflies. 
Whether you live alone or not, having a houseplant in the room really can complete the image and beautifully bring together those pieces that you so adore; that throw blanket that was handmade by your grandmother, the dream catcher you picked up whilst travelling through some exotic country, that scented candle that promises to give you inner calm (but kinda smells generically of vanilla just like every other candle). 
All of this is incredibly pretentious I know, but sophistication is a bit, isn't it?

Independence - There's something incredibly satisfying (especially once you live with your parents again) about going out, buying something for yourself, bringing it back and keeping it without ever having to ask for someone else's permission. Some people do this in the form of buying cars, pets etc. but I got plants.
When I purchased my houseplants I literally bounced out of the garden centre feeling elated and like I was getting my life back on track and no one could stop this new, shiny version of me. Granted, I still have my down days where I don't feel like this at all, yet, every time I look at those humble, green specimens, I remember that feeling of elation and come back to myself and the goals I've set for my future.

Encouragement - Which leads me on to encouragement. In the same way that, when I look at my plants, I feel independent, so do I feel encouraged to keep on moving and never give up. 
Life gets really tough sometimes and you can feel like you're losing yourself in all the confusion but, through all of this, plants just keep on growing. All they need is the occasional water, regular sunshine and a little care and, as people, are we really any different? 
As I water my plants I remind myself that I'm OK; I have a roof over my head, food in my stomach and good people by my side. I may not be exactly be where I planned to be at this stage in my life but I'm surviving, I'm growing and soon enough, I know I'll be thriving.

By Evangeline Oliver.

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