
Get To Know Me: Ellie Austin-Williams

 Are you ready for another Get to Know Me?
We sure hope so because this week we would like you to meet the gorgeous Ellie Austin-Williams.


Moonlit Screening at the Open Air Cinema

Last weekend marked the 24th birthday of my older brother Ted. To celebrate the occasion he requested that any, and all, of his available family members and friends join him at Chester's open air cinema for a picnic, white russians and a moonlit screening of The Big Lebowski. 
We were more than happy to oblige.


B's Bakes: Savoury Sweet Potato Muffins

For a long time, I was very unsure of how I felt about savoury cake. Give me any flavour of sugary sweet treat, but herbs and more than just a pinch of salt...no chance. It wasn't until I started experimenting with sundried tomatoes and cheese that I realised that just because I didn't want to inhale the raw batter, didn't mean the end result wouldn't be delicious.



The weekend is here! 
Whilst we do the Friday dance and put the gin on ice we'll let you peruse what we, at COMMENT, have been loving this week in order to get you inspired and in the mood for the weekend ahead.


Get to Know Me: Lauren Currie

This week COMMENT is super excited bring you another Get to Know Me feature and to introduce you to the glorious creature that is Lauren Currie of Currie on Cooking...


What it Means to Own House Plants

It's strange, I've lived spent the last four years living away from my childhood home and keeping house to varying degrees. I've lived alone, with housemates, with a partner and even with my brother yet, it was only when I moved back in with my parents that I even had any desire to own a houseplant - and when I say desire I mean I was obsessed with the need of having one.
To me, the houseplant represented the fact that, even though I was living back at home, I was now older, wiser, more responsible, and still very much moving forward in my life...


B's Bakes: Colourful Coleslaw

There's something so very summery about coleslaw. With a satisfying crunch of fresh veg and the perfect salty/creamy/sweet balance, it really is such a wonderful picnic staple. And interestingly enough, for the longest time I wasn't really a fan. It was only after I decided to experiment and make my own that I realised I'd been missing out for far too long.



Perhaps it's due to the warm weather of late or the fact that the holidays are just around the corner but this week's favourites appear to have gone all summer themed...


Moisturising In-Shower Salt Scrub

Don't get me wrong, I love a good pamper night but, when the weather is this hot the last thing I want to be doing is sitting in a steaming bath and spending hours slathering on the lotions and potions when I could be sprawled on the grass outside in the sunshine.
However, the heat also calls for far more skin to be on show than usual and this requires some form of maintenance. Enter my In-Shower Salt Scrub. With just two ingredients this scrub is ridiculously simple to make and will leave your skin super silky soft with no further moisturise-ation required.


B's Bakes: Cacao Coconut fudge with sour cherries

Chocolate, for many, is one of the hardest things to give up when trying to get your diet clean. Whether your opting to ditch the dairy or the sugar, not even the high quality brands can really hold their hands up to being guilt-free. As I began to wean myself off processed sweet treats, I found that I could no longer really justify my love of chocolate in the way that I was eating it, and I really needed to find something that gave me the cacao hit, without the guilt crash.


Get to Know Me: Tashi Skervin

Are you all ready for another Get to Know Me feature? The response to our first interview, two weeks ago, was phenomenal and so we want to keep the momentum going by introducing you to another beautiful creature who can be found on the internet, Tashi Skervin.
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